Bonus points if you know why your parents named you what they did!

  1. It’s boring. It’s one of the top names of our countries so I share it with a lot of people. My mother had a cooler name in mind but since she got to name my brother first, the deal was that my father got to name me.

  2. I’m more attached to my surname than my first name. Though I find they both suit me

  3. I was named after Keanu Reeves because my mom liked the movie Speed so much. He seems pretty respectable so I dig it

  4. My name is a bit different but also sort of traditional, it has a huge meaning behind it. I’m named after the sun. It kind of means lustrous/bright like sun. I like the meaning but it is a bit long. But I think people like it. 

    Also I have 2 names so my friends call me with the shorter one. It’s fun how people are sorted in my life on the basis of what name they call me. Often people are confused about why some people call me the shorter name. So it’s pretty fun.

    Fun fact: my name was changed when I was in kindergarten and we like to believe that as soon as my name was changed i became studious lol.

  5. I love it. It’s timeless. Easy to spell and has spiritual meaning. I can’t complain.

    My kids have timeless names, too.

  6. My parents had one name picked out right when I was born. But when it was time to have my official name recorded, they blanked out and changed their minds. My actual name was the first name they quickly agreed on. 

    Sometimes I’m in love with my name, other times I’m indifferent. I’m usually entertained by those who so easily mispronounce it and misspell it. Those who pronounce it wrong spell it right (with a K). Then there are others who remember how to pronounce it correctly, but spell it incorrectly (with a C).

  7. My parents named me something that was pronounced differently than how it was spelled so I spent most of my life correcting people and hating it. They named me that way because of one of my parents’ cultures and just to be different in general, but honestly all I remember is people butchering my name throughout my childhood.

    It wasn’t until the end of the college that I had the opportunity and the will to change it. It wasn’t a super drastic change, but life is too short to have a name that gives you trouble.

  8. Don’t like any of it. It’s not very special, and changing 1-2 letters means even more common names, so it’s a simple name that’s misspelled a lot.

  9. I’m thankful for how flexible my name is. I have an ethnic full name, but when I remove the last two letters it’s a known American name, so I go by that instead 😊

  10. I feel weird when I see my name written down. Like I know that’s me, that’s my name, but it doesn’t feel connected to me at the same time. The best way I can explain it is that it feels weird to think that a real actual person (me) goes around and is known by that name. I don’t know what name *would* be “me” though.

  11. My name is very basic like ashley/brittany/jessica but not near as common if that makes sense

    Also 90% of the time (like i pull up to chick fil a to get my order) people say it wrong and im just baffled. Like it is a very basic four letter word and never ever looks like what they say. But i just play along 🙄🙄🙄🙄

  12. I hate my name. It’s too common. I went to school with a dozen others with my name. I don’t like that my parents gave me a full name but called me a nickname. I purposely gave my kids names that don’t have a natural nickname like mine does

  13. Mine name isn’t abnormal really but my mom insisted on spelling it in an abnormal way. That’s pretty annoying. I’d like an easy to spell name.

  14. I normally don’t comment in the women’s, but I have too! I’m 42, and never met anyone with my name. I know it exist, but only in a few movies and shows. 😏

  15. I don’t like it. It’s literary and I’m sure was adorable when I was little.

    It’s like a diminutive, except there’s no long form. Great for a toddler or dog, not so great on a CV.

    I usually use my initials in professional settings. – think J. R. R. Tolkien. This has the double benefit of concealing my gender as well.

  16. I don’t like my name :/ Atp I’m indifferent but ultimately, not a fan.

  17. It’s sooo boring. Everyone knows someone with my name. Though come to think of it, of all of my sisters, I have the best name.

  18. I used to hate but by now I got used to it. At least it’s short, but can be difficult to foreginers

  19. I was named after Grant Fox’s daughter Kendall. He was an All Black who helped the team win the inaugural Rugby World Cup in New Zealand in 1987 (I was born in 1992). My family is rugby mad (and pretty successful about it – coaching and playing). My younger brother was named after an All Blacks coach lol.

    I like my name. Even with that Kardashian chick moping around it’s still reasonably unique. I’ve met maybe two or three other Kendalls in my life and both had different spelling, but I like the way mine is spelt. Hardly anyone ever writes it down correctly, though, and that annoys me.

  20. Like my first name, love my middle name as a middle name, can’t wait to be rid of my last name

  21. Hated it growing up. Love it now. It’s different, easy to pronounce and my first name and surname flow really nicely.

  22. I’ve never been fond of it. To me, the name already holds a certain level of maturity. I think like I’ve been trying to live up to my name. I got used to it but I don’t feel like the name is the right one for me, when I hear it, it doesn’t sound like me.

  23. I chose my English name as a 5 year old and somehow I’m still indifferent to it 🤷‍♀️

  24. my name doesn’t reflect my heritage at all. whenever i meet people from my culture and i tell them my name they’re always confused. it sucks but i think it’s a pretty name otherwise.

  25. I used to hate my name because I thought it was ugly.
    But it’s the name of an ancient stone and growing up I’ve realized it’s actually quite pretty.
    Unfortunately, it can be an exotic dancer’s name pretty often or a brat’s name so sometimes I still don’t jive with it.

  26. I used to hate my name because no one would ever spell it right and I thought it was weird, but as I’ve gotten older, more people say they love how my name is spelled, so it makes me start to like it.

  27. I’ve only recently started liking it. My name was very popular in the 90s/00s so if you called it in the middle of a crowd at least 50 other girls would turn around lol.

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