TL;DR at the bottom

I (29m) have been on 4 dates with now with 28F, over the last 6 weeks after matching on a dating site. I am new to dating again as I have been single for a long time so don't know if I am over thinking this situation, if I should ask her upfront for clarity on how she is feeling or if it is too soon for that as I don't want to scare here away either.

Anyway, I think things have been going well so far, but this last week (more like 8/9 days) since our last date (which again, I thought went well) I have barely heard from her, it took her 2 days to respond to a message the other day. She used to send me videos on tiktok every day now I get none and even now when she replies it just gives me a kind of uninterested vibe. Am I overthinking this for such a short space of time of 6 weeks, or am I right in thinking this is a period we would want to see and speak to each other all the time?

Do I ask her where her head is at/ where she stands with us/ why the lack of conversation or is 6 weeks too soon to ask something like this and it will scare her away if there is no issue?

Any advice would be appreciated in if or what I should say

TL;DR Getting a cold shoulder vibe after dating for 6 weeks. Do I ask her what's wrong or does this risk scaring her away and I'm just overthinking it so soon in?

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