I was watching Tooth Fairy yesterday and in the beginning the guy spends all evening after a homemade dinner around the table presumably playing with the little girl he’s babysitting and then all night playing poker with his friends. It was a small and insignificant part of the movie but it kind of made me extremely jealous and it made me start thinking about my habits more. If I had a dinner full of talking and then was playing with a kid all evening I wouldn’t invite anyone over for poker, not because I’d be tired physically but because that’s an entire social gathering.

As it is now I feel like I can’t do more than one Big thing per day, like if I have an appointment or a party I can’t do anything huge before or after. I want nothing more than to be able to just go about my day normally, without having to worry about the “toll” that certain things will take on me. I know a significant part of that is habit and mindset, but how do I begin to work on changing that mindset so I can fill my life with enrichment instead of hiding around all day?

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