My fiance 45M and me 35F have been together for three years.
I am incredibly attracted to him and find that my sex drive is normally.much higher than his. Lately though I have been struggling to get to climax. He will climax and will still try to get me there even after he is "done" but I have not been able to its been more than a month and now I feel like my sex drive is just depleting.
I have little to no sex drive anymore and I am worried that he thinks I am not attracted to him because I definately am but I feel like because I am not climaxing I just dont feel the need for sex. I dont know what to do and its kinda freaking me out.

We have both had some life events in the last few months and I realise this could be part of the problem as we are both extremely stressed but us being intimate has always felt like a stress reliever and like it brought us back together. Now I feel myself drifting.

Its weird but I also feel like I feel overlooked a little bit….he doesnt have social media and that is great I suppose but I would so love to just have him validate me and post a picture or even take a picture of us together without me initiating it or asking him to sit for one. I know it sounds ridiculous but I just feel like he maybe isnt as into me as I am i to him. I might be paranoid because or sex life is dying but its how I feel.

I also just want to add to me he is the most beautiful man to walk the earth lol I have brought all this up with him but nothing has changed and he just doesnt get the whole I need the validation thing. Also I am in therapy I know it a me thing but I feel like a picture of us every now and then even just shared between us is not to much to ask. I think all these things are also adding up to my lack of sex drive.

What do I do help!!!

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