4th of July Megathread

  1. I think the most annoying part of working any holiday is the amount of people who come in and say stuff to the tune of “Wow they make you work today?”

    I’ll start counting today.

  2. Heading out in a little bit to do a half day kayak trip followed by a big cookout, enjoy the day everyone.

  3. Farm chores are done. Fresh milk and eggs. Going to go play some pickleball. Then heading to a kayak and cook out. 

  4. We’re moving from Bloomington to Indianapolis in a couple weeks so we’re hosting a cookout later that will also sort of double as a going away party. Hopefully the weather cooperates. If not we can just grill on the porch and eat inside. My husband is barbecuing some ribs and I’m quite pregnant so I get to eat for two 😋

  5. Happy Country Birthday, ya bunch of ungrateful colonials! Personally I’m grateful as all my US colleagues are off for today and tomorrow so there’s fuck all for me to do.

    Have a great holiday.

  6. At work getting triple pay right now. We’re gonna be firing up the grill later, making carne asada.

  7. Down in Rhode Island, trying to sell some buddies an M1 Garand and a revolver. Seems appropriate.

  8. It’s my birthday. So I’m going to head to the store before they close to get a cake and some stuff for bacon wrapped jalapeños. Then I am going to sit back and be glorious 🤣

  9. I’ll be heading in soon to play with all the pups who are boarding while their humans are out of town. We’re serving hot dogs.

  10. I’m looking forward to a night of my neighbors ignoring the burn ban and shooting off illegal fireworks all night, getting my dog riled up, and keeping me awake so I’ll be fresh for work tomorrow. Yay.

  11. Hanging out with my folks for the day, and my old man is going to fire up the grill. Might go buy a used car if the dealership is open.

    ‘Murica baby.

  12. Going with my parents to a potluck of all their friends, I know as far as food some of it will knock my socks off but I still worry that the “salads” will have far too much mayo in them.

  13. Good to be in the US on a July 4, first time in years. Will be spending time with my family and my wife’s family. Will be going to a drone light show tonight (done in lieu of a fireworks show, but we will still set off some fireworks).

  14. I’m broke till tomorrow and have to work today.

    Might go see my girlfriend after work if I have enough gas to get there.

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