Women with glasses, what is the weirdest comment someone has made about them?

  1. Once I went on a date to a restaurant without my glasses. Mostly I wear them at my working hours and the waiter gave me the menu , he randomly asked the waiter to gave him the menu coz I can’t read . I was like WTF man . Thought it was a joke but he was serious about it LoL . The entire date was a flop .

  2. Wow you look so much better without them!

    I took them off and said: my gosh and so do you!

  3. My friends, boyfriend and I were playing pool at one of the local spots. Dude walked up to me while my boyfriend was getting drinks and with zero introduction or prompting said “Your glasses make you look like a fucking nerd. Take them off, straight dime though”

    Thanks man

  4. I went on a couple dates with a guy who definitely had a “thing” for women with glasses. He would comment about how hot I was with them and stuff. Made me feel like I was being fetishized

  5. I’m brown, and a closeted ex-muslim who wears a hijab. So many people think it’s absolutely necessary that they let me know that they think I look like Mia Khalifa (during my first interaction with them)…

  6. Do you need them or are they just a fashion accessory. I literally wear them ALL the time for years.

  7. “You look like a pornstar.” The thing is, I like to wear figure hugging/flattering outfits and I don’t really get weird comments other than the occasional compliment. But when I wear glasses, suddenly I’m a pornstar, a milf, or a girl next door.

    “*Flirty tone* You should cosplay as Velma.” I bet you would like that. CREEEP!

  8. “Sexy librarian” nonsense. Ain’t nothing sexy about blurry things, bud.

  9. I always wondered who wore that kind of glasses. They look good on *you* though. My first day at a new office. Judged her forever after that.

  10. I teach five year olds and they say wacky things all the time.

    There’s usually at least one kid in class who has glasses at some point in the year. This year, one of my boys got glasses in the spring. The first day he wore them, one of the other boys said “now you look like Ms–!” I admit I laughed so hard, then we took a selfie and I sent it to his mom telling her we were now twins.

    They usually ask me why I wear glasses, which is a reasonable question and doesn’t bother me. I tell them my glasses help me see since my eyes are weak/don’t work so well.

    One year, one of my pebbles got clear up in my face, squinted at my eyes from the side behind my glasses, really intent and said “your eyeballs are crooked” then walked away, obviously satisfied with her diagnosis. What’s funny is I have an astigmatism in both eyes, so technically she is correct, my eyeballs are crooked.

    They also freak out on the rare occasion I take my glasses off around them. I wear them daily and only take them off to clean. It can be kinda hilarious.

  11. I don’t like when men ask me to keep or put them on during sex or when I can tell a man is fetishizing them or fixated on them. It’s either because they have some nerd girl fantasy or an ex they’re not over also wore glasses. Anyway I hate it and now only wear contacts.

  12. Weirdest was my first day wearing them. I met my older sister for coffee and she didn’t notice them. She’d known me for 37 flipping years and didn’t notice I was wearing specs. Apparently they “suit my face and just look natural”

    I will never let her live that down

  13. I’ve been asked if they were real. No, I just wear them everyday for fun.

  14. Someone said I look like a specific porn star. She’s quite famous so i knew who they were talking about. Was weird but i wasn’t surprised bc i actually could see it

  15. Not so much weird, but annoying. The insane assumption that because I wore glasses I was “smart”. Luckily that hasn’t happened since like… the 9th grade. I was just blessed with shitty eyesight.

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