TL;DR: My Boyfriend Lied to Me, and I Don't Know How to Handle It When He Calls Tomorrow. Need Advice!

I'm feeling really confused and need some advice. My boyfriend is going to call me tomorrow, and I want to know how to handle the situation. Here's what happened:

Today, I went out with some friends, and we met a streamer that one of our friends really loves. After that, we went for a few drinks. I'm a little drunk but not incoherent, and I wasn't the one driving; my friend was our designated driver. We were safe the entire time, and I made it home without any issues.

Around 12:50 AM, I called my boyfriend because I was excited to share the news about meeting the streamer. When I called, he was initially receptive but mentioned he had been asleep. I knew this was a lie because I saw his location moving around his house and I heard his family in the background. He also said he was going to bed soon, but I knew he was likely going to stay up longer.

At first, he didn't seem bothered by the time, but then I started asking him about what he did and who he went out to eat with. I tried to joke with him, asking about his night. He said he went out with a friend, and when I teased him about lying, he admitted that another girl, who is a good friend of his, was also there. When I asked if he picked her up, he lied, saying someone else did. But I knew he was lying because I saw his location at his house and then going out. I confronted him about the lie, and he got angry, asking if we could talk about it tomorrow.

I was genuinely curious and not trying to badger him, but he got increasingly frustrated. Eventually, he hung up on me, and I saw his location still moving around his house, so I knew he wasn't asleep. He later texted, promising to call me back at 11 tomorrow

I'm trying to understand why he lied and got so upset with me for calling late. I know I called late and that I was a bit drunk, but I didn't expect him to react this way. I'm supposed to be the girl he likes, so why lie and then get mad at me when i was in a vulnerable state? I decided to make this post because I knew I’ll probably forget but this argument didn’t feel right. We're going to different colleges soon, and I'm not sure what this means for our relationship.

Any advice on how to handle the call tomorrow? Should I bring up everything that happened, or should I approach it differently? I'm really confused and need some guidance.

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