Hi I badly need advice.I’m dating this girl for 3months now.We talk,message call and vidcall each other endlessly.When we are on a date everything is smooth and I don’t do anything to make her uncomfortable and all of the sudden its like she rarely talks to me anymore.I understand if she’s busy or just going through something.

I really want to confess my feelings for her like take her on a romantic boat date give her flowers and a ring to make it official but the other half of me is really terrified of the outcome of what I am
about to do. I just don’t wanna loose her and i’m becoming tired already of just dating and dating and loosing the person that I love the most.

any advice would be great☺️

  1. You used the word dating – does that imply you and her are exclusive? I think you have to find a way and ask yourself where you draw the line of that connection between friend and gf. GOOD LUCK!

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