My friends, coworkers, people I talk online (like instagram, WhatsApp) just lie to me daily. I can’t differ the truth from lies anymore. They say they wanna hang out and then they see another fella or girl and just ghost me. It’s not just via texts, they also don’t open my calls. They tell they saw a girl so it’s “ok” as a heterosexual guy.

Girls also be like yeah let’s meet then they also ghost. I was gonna meet a girl at weekend only to be ghosted. Like why are you even setting a plan to meet with me if you don’t want to? She just apologizes and that’s it. Another girl o talk I was gonna meet with said ok to the meeting but then ghosted me for 1 days just to be told that’s she’s busy this week.

I can’t take this people anymore. How am I supposed to have healthy relationships? I don’t fucking wanna play games as an adult (25M). Just fucking say either yes or no. And if we have planned say that the meeting is canceled and I’m busy. Why are those stuff just that hard? I’m not joking those people were the most important part of my life, we spend hours daily. I help them for almost everything. I’m lost.

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