How often do you think about getting bangs? / How often do you regret getting bangs?

  1. I stopped thinking about bangs for at least 5 years because they’re a pain to maintain. Used to get bangs every year or so when I got bored with my hair

  2. I think about it from time to time. I had it done some years ago and I did like the look. However, it was freaking hot in the Summer with bangs in the forehead. I decided not to do that again because of how hot it was.

  3. I think about it every time I see someone with cute bangs.

    I’ve been cutting my own bangs since I was a teen, so it’s been 20ish years and I got pretty good at figuring out what looks good on me and what doesn’t. Last time I cut straight bangs I used too much hair and ended up looking like I had half a bowl cut, that was a harsh lesson. Those years of trial and error dialed the recent regret percentage wayyy down, the issue is when I act on impulsive thoughts (like whenever I watch The Devil Wears Prada) or if it’s a big change. I actually did it a couple weeks ago and it looks pretty good!

  4. I have had a few times in my life that I thought I’d like to try bangs. But, I’ve never had them, ever. So I wouldn’t know what to do with them, or how to maintain them. The closest I’ve had to bangs is when I had a pixie cut. But even that didn’t last long. I don’t think I have the face for bangs anyways.

  5. I had bangs for like 8 years starting in high school. I grew my bangs out a few years ago and never looked back. If I ever went bangs again I’ll just get clip-ins.

  6. I got them a few years ago and don’t regret it at all! I think I’m one of those people who were made to have bangs 😂

    My eyebrows are a bit low, and my forehead is kinda big, so they just take the attention off that lol.

    I have whispy bangs and they look nice, and I think they’re easy enough to maintain

  7. Every time I see a cute girl rocking bangs. I regret it now that I’m letting them grow.They are annoying!

  8. I loved my bangs. They changed my face completely and I had them for about 5 years.

    But they are such a hassle to maintain. My hairstylist told me that every time I think about getting bangs again, I should remind myself about the upkeep, and what it was like growing them out.

  9. Just got side bangs again, I really like them. They turned out well and shit my face, and I don’t have to get Botox on my worry lines done as often

  10. I love the look of curtain bangs on myself, but only when they’re properly styled. Problem is as soon as they get the slightest bit sweaty or wet, or if I wake up some mornings and don’t feel like styling them, they look bad. I decided to grow them out earlier this year (with mixed feelings) and am sticking with chin-length face framing layers instead.

  11. i love my bangs, they’re a pain when they get too long and stab my eyes, but otherwise i love them

  12. I finally got bangs this year, but they’re curly bangs so sometimes I feel like I look like a dog, and in those moments, I regret it.

  13. I get bangs every couple years. It’s just my hair cut cycle. I grow it out, then get bored and get bangs, then grow those out and get bored again, then cut it chin length. I am currently chin length with no bangs but definitely considering bangs. I never regret hair cut choices. Some of the cuts I haven’t immediately LOVED have grown out a tiny bit and ended up amazing. It’s just hair. Whatever, it grows back.

  14. I never think about it. I got bangs once in 1987. By the time they fully grew out in 1990, I swore never again. I’ve stuck to it.

  15. I loved my bangs had them for like 10 years, and now that I do a lot of sport they are more inconvenient so I’ve been growing them out. Every time I PMS, I want to grab scissors and give myself crisis bangs.
    I promised myself I’d grow them out for 2 years, get a proper haircut and decide after

  16. I read this as “how often do you think about getting banged?” Which is very often 😂🙃

  17. I’ve been cutting my bangs for the past 10 years, I can’t seem to just let them grow out. I find that they suit my face the best anyway. I would let them grow and then immediately run for the scissors for every minor inconvenience.

  18. get bangs -> regret bangs -> start growing out -> get sick of waiting -> get bangs

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