What’s the shortest time it took to you to date someone?

  1. Girl added me on facebook (this was circa 2016 when people still used it), we were both part of an environmental group and she saw me during an introductory meeting. She asked if I was the tall blonde guy she saw running around the track every day, I said yes.

    We set up a date the next day, made out the day after that and had a relationship for around a year. That relationship really came out of nowhere.

  2. All three of my long term relationships, including the one with my wife, were started within a month of meeting. The longest on the other hand, well that took 9 years.

  3. Less than 12 hours. The day I met my wife, I asked her out on a date for the next day.

  4. We met at a New Year’s Eve party and hooked up. Still together 21 years later.

  5. A girl from college.

    Went to a party at Her house…..while drunk I accidentally touched Her exposed back. Instead of getting away She moved closer So I kept my hand there. She didn’t move from that position the rest of the night. I eventually tried to touch her bra, She didn’t flinch, I undid her bra , She didn’t flinch. I offered to help clean after the party was over. We kissed as soon as my last friend left. All of that happened in like 3 hours.

    We dated for 2 years.

  6. Around 2 to 3 weeks, we just clicked in all boxes. Although it wasn’t official, things were mutual and we had different words for saying I love you. We would say “I [their name] you!” since we were still shy to say the magic words.

  7. Less than 8 hours. We were all hanging out, she got locked out of her dorm room. So we went on an adventure until her roommate came back the next morning.

    Had breakfast, then made plans to go on a real date after we had a nap. lasted 2 years.

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