Newbie here. I (M) just started dating someone new (F), and the relationship is going well. Sexually we’re compatible, except for one major thing: Both of us love giving & receiving oral sex, but I REALLY enjoy finishing without pulling out. 

During our first session she made it clear: let her know when I’m close so she could dodge it. The idea of that stuff in her mouth grosses her out.

I completely respect and obey that boundary, however I’m starting to realize – it’s depriving me of literally my favorite thing in bed. I don't know if I can date someone long-term who isn't into it.

On one hand, I don't want to break up with her, certainly not without discussing the problem first. On the other, saying anything that would basically reduce to “let me cum in your mouth or we’re breaking up” is obviously extremely manipulative. How do I navigate this?

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