Would you consider yourself a generally happy person? Why do you define yourself as a happy or unhappy person?

  1. I’m a generally happy person. I’m not overtly optimistic but I don’t advocate for toxîc positivity either. I’m level headed so the scales always tip to the fact that someday everything will work out for me and hence I can’t be sad/unhappy for long.

  2. I am 100% A happy as fuuuuuuck person

    I have too much good fortune in my life NOT to be happy

    I achieved my dream job

    I have a great relationship with my family

    I’m in great mental and physical health

    I live in my dream country

    I have a great group of friends

    I’m young, single, and able to do anything and everything I want, life is too good for me to ever feel sad or cynical.

  3. I consider myself a happy and bubbly person. I like to laugh, look at puppies, babies, sweet couples and I just find myself thinking that aww i love love. I love looking at happy people. When i am in a sad mood, i know its only temporary and i know God’s got me.

  4. I’m a deeply unhappy person, but I’m better than I was five years ago

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