My mind is exhausting me. Like i cant stand it anymore. Why do i have to care so much. Like i just wanna walk thru life not caring as much. I still ofc want to care when it important. And i understand things happen and i do need to care but like not 24/7. Like when something at work happens, it could be the tiniest thing, im all stressed out bc of it. My life is fucked up but why cant my mind just accept thats it is what it is and move on. Like my brother and male coworker just dont care (maybe they do but they just tell me that they dgaf, wtv happens happens) I would be so happy if i just didnt have to think about these problems. I cant fix them so whats the point of worry about them?? And sometimes there small problems. Like cant i just suck them up. I do but im miserable. All i do it think and think. Even when i thinking about it i cant stop even if i tell myself. It like my brain has it own brain. Wth do i do? Im tried and wanna go to bed. 😭😭

How do stop caring? Like i don’t wanna turn off my emotions or anything. I know im a human and i will feel. But how do just stop caring about everything around me, it’s such a burden. It’s not my problem, so leave me alone. It’s all taken a toll on my body. Even in my mind i might not care but i can feel it in heart if that makes sense. A slight weight or a slight painful squeeze. Is it just a forever curse?

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