Thank you all for helping me view things differently and understand better the situation.

To the people that say I might be a b***h to my bf, I don't think so, we have been in a very good 8 month relationship without major issues, Kevin and Sally are in my apartment very often to dinner or drinks, they were not my best friends but we got along very well, before this.

I confronted my bf yesterday, he told me that in the past, Kevin had already made him grow apart from a friend of his and an ex girlfriend by bad mouthing them, and he was as "influencable" (dumb IMO) to fall for that and lost those people to Kevin's comments.

He says leaving the dinner party without really knowing it was a set up would have felt like an overreaction and he decided to stay.

He also told me the "would be cool but" text was him trying to "politely" brush Kevin off, since my bf only has two close friends (one being Kevin) and he doesn't want to upset him or lose him. He agrees he should have made it clearer.

I said either he set his boundaries with these people or we are done, I dont want him to completely cut Kevin off (since he doesn't have many friends, and tbh, having your own friends is very healthy) but he needed to keep them both away from our relationship and make it very clear they overstepped.

And he basically sent a text to Kevin saying he loves him as a friend but boundaries have been crossed and he doesn't feel confortable anymore bringing me to plans with them. That the whole set up thing was cringe and the follow up texts were implying he would accept the idea of cheating. He stated he needed time and space away from both of them.

As of now Kevin replied with a wall of text starting with, "you are my best friend and even though we don't approve of your gf, we support you in everything you decide" I was starting to get angry again so I stopped reading, I told my bf I don't wanna read anymore, that I trust he learned from this and that these people should not interfere with his happiness nor "approve" his relationships, specially if they have caused him to drift away from people in the past.

I now see Kevin as a selfish manipulative b***ch tbh, but I also understand my bf has only 2 friends and kicking him out of his life wouldn't be the best idea right now. I also think these bad mouthing and set ups could potentially happen in the future if my bf is not firm enough.

Any advice appreciated!

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