So boyfriend was laid off for little over a year at his good paying job after moved and bought a house which is only in his name and also has a bunch of tax debt and credit card debt. He has always made more than me through our whole relationship of over a decade but had to get a job paying less after his unemployment ran out and is about to start getting paid again soon more money. But wants me to contribute half of my paycheck of a job I recently started, to help him recover and says he wants a partnership, when I said I needed to go over my finances as I barely make above minimum wage for my area and I have spent all of my savings just about and have started to contribute small amounts back into my account as well as started to pay my small amount of credit card debt. I don't have much of a retirement but I wanted to start recovering savings and pay my credit card down. He accused me of not doing my part because he had decided for me on the amount basically I will give to help him. I used up my savings what little I had, ran up my credit card, and nearly had nothing in my bank account when I started this job making sure the house had food mostly. I recently bought groceries but he was upset over the fact that I said I needed to look over my finances before deciding if I can contribute that much as I had to make sure I am recovering myself as honestly I don't know how long I will have this current job as it is another metrics based job and well it's work that one is easily replaceable in, you just have to be a warm body. I want to go back to college to try and get better for myself but I feel as if I won't be able to do that as well as save up for a car but he wants me to contribute that much so he can do that for me? He said he wants a partnership and accuses me of not loving him and using him for his money which I am not just because I want to consider my own finances as little as they are. He also has been resentful of having to work for less. He doesn't contribute much at all to household chores and I am expected to do most of those despite the physical nature of my job while he still has as usual a desk job and has had one for years. I have always been the one who does most of the chores, pet care, and ect. He also complains about lack of intimacy lately but he doesn't take care of basic hygiene not showering most of the time plus I am also very exhausted still getting use to my new job.

I don't know what to do as I thought we were in a partnership this entire time but I am beginning to feel this relationship is alot of giving of myself but not being appreciated and also accusing me of things I am not doing when he knew early on that I made less than him, I also had some things I had to heal from early in our relationship as well as taken care from a past relationship. He expects me to reach for my goals but how can I even think about those things when I am contributing nearly half of what little I earn at a very physical job meaning I can not get another job on top of this one type of thing as I am hitting the hay as soon as I get home and he always tells me he is working more than me at 2 jobs one that pays less and one that has yet to start paying him his higher salary that he is use to getting. Both he gets to sit at a desk and isn't falling asleep within a few hours of being home nor is he physically sore all over or has bruises from the boxes he has to lift up, I do this full time. I offered to contribute instead of half of my paycheck to pay the exact amount of certain bills and go from there but he got mad and said I could find another place to live…. like there's no discussing what he has already decided for me.

I feel at times he resents me for making less money than him and also for believing that he wanted to be a provider during part of our relationship while I stayed at home and did the stay at home girlfriend thing. He did say he wanted to take care of me but during times of him being in between jobs and me going back to work he has caused me to spend what little I have and I usually have nothing for my own self while eventually he always recovers if not better than before financially while I have remained the same.

He wants to have a child together but I been hesitant for awhile now just because of his lack of contributing to household chores, hygiene issues, finances, and my most recent job is the only job I have ever been able to get healthcare with but it's very basic. I want to get married but it's the way he acts towards me that has me hesitant and second guessing. I honestly am not sure what to do as for he use to say what I earned was my money to do with but as of late he is like now saying I'm not a partner for not wanting to just deposit this certain amount of money which is nearly half of my months salary saying he is paying all of his money towards the bills which I offered to help? He also said I don't need to contribute to groceries that we should just be living off rice and beans and was annoyed a bit my parents gave me a little money to help me get some groceries this week because they worried I wasn't getting enough nutrition for my job and he was like I need to stop worrying about groceries and just pay this money so he could pay his debts attitude.

I honestly dont understand other than I get accused for using him for his money when he had had periods of not always making that money and when we first started dating he didn't even have a freaking high paying job or job at all. So it's annoying he even throws that out there. Is this just something men do when their finances are not where they wanna be just woman is a gold digger? Also, should I contribute the amount he wants of the money I earn or should I contribute and pay what I can the exact amounts of bills instead, maybe leaving a little more for myself to recover better as well?

  1. Handling financial strain and unequal contributions in your relationship is tough. Prioritize your financial stability and goals, like saving for college and paying off debts. Discuss fair financial responsibilities with your boyfriend and address issues like household chores and personal hygiene for mutual respect.

  2. You misjudged this relationship.

    Whatever you both are doing, it’s not about working together. He’s only concerned about himself.

    You should moved out. He doesn’t really appreciate you.

  3. You live together. Do you not currently contribute at all? If so that is a problem. You should be paying a reasonable amount for the cheaper of what you would be paying if you didn’t live with him or half of what the current house would rent for. Asking you to contribute isn’t a problem, the amount may be if it is more that that amount.

  4. What were you paying in rent before? Did you sign a lease? He can’t unilaterally decided to jack up the rent on you. You aren’t a co-owner on the property. He needs to get more roommates that he can charge market rent to. If he dumps you after he gets a new job or never gets a job, you will have nothing to show for the money you pour into saving his place.

    Doesn’t he have any savings or get severance?

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