What should I do ?.Advice Hey guys, this is gonna be a long post but I just don’t know what to do . I had to post here with a heavy heart ! I met my current boyfriend through a dating app in February 2023 , and immediately fell in love with him ! he was always touchy and sweet to me but had commitment issues where he didn’t want a relationship in the beginning ! But I liked him so much I can’t explain why , it was just a huge attraction I got and I waited for him ! We would text everyday and hangout so often ! We also were intimate from the second date ! He is all I ever wanted . Handsome , sweet and loving ! I told him on the first date that I don’t date non- exclusive ( just one guy at a time ) and he didn’t give me an answer ! Through the months we got really close , we would text everyday hangout at least 3 times a week ! Kiss and cuddle and by April I already was so in love with him ! In may he went to a wedding of his best friend for two weeks and I really missed him ! but I waited , I didn’t meet any other guys or entertain any one else cause I wanted to just be with him ! he came back and was really loving ! Like my soul mate ! I felt so connected to him ! I already knew by June that he is gonna be my guy forever ! he went to a wedding again of his friend in July for few days n I went for a girls night where I met his best friend ! I thought he wanted to tell others about me already ! Fast forward in August I told him I am in love with him through a poem ( I am a hopeless romantic ) , and he held me closely ! He didn’t say he loved me back but his actions was so warm ! In September he asked me to be his girlfriend, I was so happy cause I really loved him ! And didn’t want anything else but to be with him ! since September I met his mom his family , his friends ! We went on vacations ! And he has been the best boyfriend ever ! He would give me so much love ( I also gave him a lot of love ) He met my parents this year in April ( I come from a conservative family ) and this means very serious business , everything is really perfect till today ! I joked around about how guys sleep around with other woman when they date a woman seriously ! and he said yah that’s not cheating cause they are not in a relationship ! I said yes but the girl doesn’t know ! I asked him if he did this and he laughed ( lie laugh) I asked him again n he said he slept with two woman both in two different weddings ! the first one in his best friends wedding and the other in his other friends wedding the same night I met his best friend ! My whole world shattered into pieces ! The relationship I thought is perfect is not really! I felt so shit ! He explained saying it’s cause he was scared about a relationship and was wanting to have experiences cause he was never single ! I felt so bad ! We talked n I cried he felt sad too , n apologised 100 times ! saying he really loves me n never did anything since he got into a relationship with me ! I believe him that he didn’t after we are together but he acted so loving all throughout i had no doubts ! He never told me about it , i really love him he is all I have in this country ( I live in Europe ) ! He apologised n assured me that he would never ever do this n never did since we are together ! I want advice . I told him I want time alone to think about it n he said okay . Help does it account to cheating

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