How do you overcome imposter syndrome?

  1. Learning to be scared and doing it anyway

    Also, stopping to think: what would a white man do in this situation? Research shows they often apply for jobs they are not entirely qualified for, whereas women and people of color tend to hesitate and apply for jobs when they feel they meet 100% of the requirements. Take up space! Speak up! Own your seat at the table!

  2. I never overcame it but I now accept people’s compliments with grace and let that be the consolation that I need that I am knowledgeable in my field. I think that was the breakthrough for me; I used to fight people when they complimented me in my mind I think that the validation that does come from others has some value to me. I guess what I am saying is that what I think of me isn’t the only thing that matters in the case of my skills.

  3. I think most women have it at least to some degree. The more you learn about your field, whatever it is, the more you realize how much you don’t yet know, and we tend not to overestimate our abilities in the way that men do.

    As for me I ask myself “what’s the worst scenario that could happen” and try to be as factual and specific as possible. Often that helps me realize that my feelings of insecurity are unfounded.

  4. I’d like to thank the absolute idiot who joined our team at work last year. It’s a mystery to me how he got a masters and job in engineering, but dear lord I have lost all the doubt that I’m a good engineer.

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