So I (19f) was a virgin for all of my life. I met my bf (21m) online and we had talked for months and he finally made the 16 hour drive to come down and visit me for a week. Of course, during that week, we couldn't keep our hands off of each other so we had sex every day, sometimes multiple times in one day. My thing is, I was expecting it to hurt my first time, and it did of course. But the problem was, it never stopped hurting. Every single time we did it, it was always painful as hell. And he wasn't rough or anything and yes I was wet enough AND we had used two different types of lube each time but nothing helped me. I had bled once so he did break whatever needed to be broke and we thought it would be less painful for me after that but it wasn't. Could there possibly be something wrong with me?
Because l've never been to the gynecologist yet. Has anyone else had similar experiences? Is it possible that it might just always hurt be of the size of him?

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