I am a 26 year old female, and I am 80 kg and 5”7 in height. My brother (23M )just called me fat, and I am perplexed. Ever since I was young, I have never struggled with weight gain. In fact, I was so
slender I yearned to gain weight. I have always been fairly slim, and I have always been very conscious of my diet and I do all it takes to remain healthy. Since turning 25, I’ve gained a bit of weight and I have been very aware of this. I still fit in my clothes, but I definitely do see them getting a bit snug. It all started from a very heated argument about why he doesn't do chores and lays arround the house watching football. We were expecting guests. He cornered me in a fit of rage and told me “ You are fat. Look at you, you’re not OK. You are FAT!!” I have never had this word thrown at me before. I do not know what to do and I’m quite taken a back, but how I should respond? As we argued, I told him his words broke my heart. It is not just what he said but he said it to me with disgust as if he was looking at a bag of trash. I told him to watch his words and the way he spoke to me. I shared with my mom what went down and at first she sided with me and he started crying claiming she is taking sides. Tell me why my mom started consoling and apologizing to him? She says it takes a lot for a man to cry, mind you I have never cried in front of my mom before. I’m truly just baffled about this situation. I’m currently in my room tearing up alone as he is cozying up to my family. This has changed how I view him as a man entirely to attack my self image in the middle of an argument. I must note I am the only girl in a family of 4 boys!!

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