For context, we have been together for 4 years on and off, and we have two young children together. I am not doing well financially, my partner and I don't get along, we have at least one explosive argument a month. He has narcissistic tendencies and swears and is emotionally abusive towards our 3 year old daughter. We broke up back in November of 2023 after throwing his phone at the wall so hard it left an indent and punched the kitchen stove and shattered it. At that time I signed up for low income housing and I received a call last month that there was an opening in a city 80 miles away from where we live now.

We have split up in the past but at this time I am concerned for my safety and his own. He is more depressed than I have seen him, and I know he can tell that I am distancing myself. Yesterday he told me that he would hang himself in the basement if me and the kids left. In 5 days we will be leaving while he is at work. I have been sick to my stomach for last month, but to ensure the safety of me and my kids, I think this is the best way to do it. However, I do fear that I will be the catalyst for him ending his own life.

Has anyone dealt with an emotionally and sometimes physically abusive partner and left them this way? What happened?

TL;DR- I am leaving my baby daddy without his knowledge in 5 days.

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