Hey, I'm a really young woman (I look it too) and something weird has just happened today. Now I'm not conventionally pretty imo (I have bad under eyebags which make my face look older) but people say I am so I just think I'm average looking. Btw I am definitely not to the male gaze think thats important

Why is it that on other days when I go out with friends having fun, men give me horrible looks, never talk to me and whisper to their friends and laugh like I'm super ugly. Hell store workers will treat me like shit and glare me down for tipping small. I have never been asked for my # around friends and even they admit they aren't super gorgeous either so it's odd how I am the ONLY ONE who hasnt been asked for my #.

While when I was alone today with barely any makeup on and looking like a friendless loser some man in his 40s approaches me and says I'm "extremely beautiful and caught his eye" and wants too know me more and other men/boys are staring me down in a really weird way. When I met with my mom she even said all the boys were looking like I was a mythical creature like??

Ikkkkk this makes me sound relationship deprived because I really am but I was curious what this is, would love an answer

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