Hi everyone, coming straight to the point. I moved to this new locality. I saw a girl and damn she is so pretty and i really want her, she lives nearby but I don’t k ow how to approach her and find a ground to start talking. I tried to find her on Instagram but maybe I don’t know the proper way. I need advice

  1. You gotta change the mentality of your approach. Get the whole idea of “approach” out of your head, it’s kinda a creepy word to use when you think about it. Just treat her like any old human being. Next time you see her just give her a genuine and friendly compliment and keep it moving, ya know, as if you were genuinely complimenting her lol. It’s all about just being a genuine friendly human being. There are no tips or tricks really.

    And please don’t go crazy over her before you’ve ever met. You are basing this purely on sight, which while powerful, is not the greatest determining factor for whether or not you are attracted to someone for real. And if you follow the visual inclination too far, you can very quickly become obsessed and lose all of your self respect

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