My (25f) boyfriend (24m) of 4 years has genuinely not been able to keep a job for more than 6 months for the last 2 years that we have lived together. I love this man and he is very kind and loving for the most part. But, I am seriously concerned with his lack of work ethic, ambition, and direction. He has literally had I think like 8 different jobs in the past 2 years, some lasting as little as 1 month. I have honestly lost count of how many he has had. He has also gone through multiple periods of unemployment due to either being laid off/quitting a job without having anything else lined up.

I have a bachelors degree in accounting and have been working in the field since I graduated 3 years ago. I don't want to brag, but I do make really good money for someone my age and have a great job with great benefits. I have worked very hard for this job, school was hard for me and finding a job after graduation was not much easier. I am proud of my accomplishments. I can't help but feel like I want a partner who is in a similar situation…has a good career and takes pride in what they do. I know jobs aren't everything and you shouldn't make it your entire identity, that is not what I'm saying. I just want someone with a good work ethic and direction when it comes to what they want to do for a living.

My boyfriend only has an associates degree, which is totally fine, if you know what you are going to do with it and have a path you want to follow. However, he got his degree in something sort of…useless (sorry for the harshness but it is true) and did not have a plan for what to do with it/any next steps to continue his education or anything. When it comes to jobs, he will pretty much take anything he can get and doesn't really care what he does. Then he inevitably ends up hating the job, and quitting. Or, he stops showing up on time and giving a good effort and then they end up letting him go. It is really frustrating, emotionally and financially on my end.

We have lived together two years, and originally had an agreement to split expenses 50/50. That lasted for about 10 months. Since then, he has been in a tough financial spot due to his job situation. He has been giving me a flat $500 for rent, utilities etc. and I have been covering the rest. We live in an expensive area and $500 is unfortunately not a large chunk of our expenses at all. It is less than a third. I am growing so resentful of this every day…it's not fair. I don't want to be supporting a grown man. Sometimes I feel like he thinks I'm made of money, he makes comments here and there about how much I make and how I don't have to worry about money. I make good money as I said earlier, but I still make a very normal middle class income. The way he talks sometimes you would think I'm a millionaire.

Recently, I have been at my wits end. He had gotten a job that seemed promising and was making all sorts of promises to me, since he knows how frustrated I have been with his job struggles. However, he ended up leaving this job after only 2 months because he didn't like it and it wasn't what he expected. Which is fine, I understand that happens. However, he left this job without anything lined up and admitted to me he only has about $300 in his bank account. Which isn't even enough to cover his portion of expenses. I am probably going to have to pay everything this month. I am so so beyond frustrated. I really have tried to be patient and understanding of him, but I am just so tired.

So, I need advice. I love this man very much, and we do have really good times despite everything. But his job struggles have put me through so much stress. We have had so many fights about money. I have tried to talk to him about this so many times and he has made me so many empty promises. If he could get it together with his job everything would be perfect. But I am losing hope that will ever happen. Should I leave him? Let him move back in with his parents to figure his shit out? Idk. Any insight would be appreciated.

TLDR: Boyfriend of 4 years has not been able to keep a job longer than 6 months, which has lead to me covering most of our expenses for about the last year. It has caused so many huge fights between us. I am extremely frustrated, but I love him very much. Should I leave him over this?

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