Off the bat- I broke up with her. In February of 2023 I ended things. I was dealing with family issues, it really took a toll on my mental health. I was emotionally drained, I didn’t have the energy for a relationship. I really liked her. We were together for about 4-5 months. When I ended things, I was stressed and on the brink of depression. Since I was so overwhelmed all of the time I was moody and irritated easily. I wasn’t as in control of my emotions as I wish that I had been. I convinced myself that she annoyed me just because I was so irritable at the time. She is such a sweet girl I could have fallen in love with her. I was the first and last real relationship she ever had.

I recently texted her and we’ve been talking like a year hasn’t passed. I feel the same way I did when I started talking to her the first time. I remember all of the reasons I fell for her in the first place. I don’t know what we are, it seems like she wants us to be something again but I’m scared to ask. It feels like every time we talk about what happened between us, both of us beat around the bush about if we want to get back together. We keep talking about our past and reminiscing on moments we had, things we were too scared to say and do, how we felt about each other. She told me that her life felt empty after we broke up. I’ve been beating myself up over what I did for the past year. There was so much that went uncommunicated between both of us.

How should I approach the situation? Should I blatantly ask what she wants, or do something like ask her on a date? I don’t know how to approach this situation, or what I should do at all. I hurt her badly, I still haven’t forgiven myself. But she’s here in front of me now and I can actually do something about it.

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