As the title suggests basically she asked me whether we wanna be exclusive on our 4th date which was a month ago and we both have holidays rn so we're in long distance relationship until august mid

After we decided to be exclusive I thought I dont need hinge anymore and deleted my account and told her but didn't ask her to do the same but on some other day I saw hinge on her homepage when I was trying to show her something in her phone back then I tried acting like i didn't notice it and tried to convince myself that it isn't big deal

and today I was making my friend in my hometown install hinge and helped him and after a while I just thought that I will see how's there in my college area jff and show it to my friend too but then I saw her profile is still active which really made me hurt a bit

So what do you think I should be doing?
I constantly see some similar posts in this sub so pls don't ask me to talk to her because idk i just am unable to ask her this for sometime now whenever we text I feel like she's into me but it's been a while since we met irl and idk I just feel like gap between us is increasing day by day sadly

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