what was the worst kink your ex had?

  1. I had an ex that would pin me down and smell my armpits, get horny and want to have sex after smelling me. This would be anytime im back from the gym all sweaty, hiking, playintg a show etc . . . She was hot tho so I was cool with it.

  2. She liked me to choke her and be really rough, and I was an innocent 18 year old kid who didn’t have that side.

  3. wasnt an ex but we dated …she was into raping/humilation

    I though lets give it a shot..i like it rough anyway..tried to go along but really was a bit extreme for me 😅😂

  4. She was very aggressive. I’m a gentle lover. I tried my best to make her happy but after dealing with scratches on my back and a bleeding lip a couple times, I was legit afraid to have sex lol.

  5. She told me she’d be perfect for a guy that wanted to fuck ear canals. I asked if she’d let him and she said she would. She never said she liked it but it weirded me the fuck out.

  6. Had an ex demand I hold a gun to her head during sex, I absolutely refused to do so and she told me sex was boring without it and left me thank god. Never understood that

  7. I wouldn’t call it… worst. Just out there.

    She was into vore.

    For anyone who doesn’t known its a fetish about either eating a person or a person eating them.. no not cannibalism like taking bites. But swallowing somone like a snake.. same size person or a tiny person.

    In this case she was always making “sexy talk” about how she wishes I was smaller so she could force me down her throat and feel me struggle..

    So that was something. And she would eat things small enough to just swallow and say “wish that was you”

    Little scary but… scary is kinda hot *sigh*

  8. I’m pretty open to most kinks.

    The only one I had an issue with was one chick who wanted me to *actually* injure her and make her cry while fucking.

  9. She said she wanted nasal sex. I asked her what that was but she just laughed and said fuck knows.

  10. My ex had a fat fetish, she was a big girl when we got together. I kinda liked it she was bigger than my normal dates but had a great personality. She started asking me to grab her and jiggle her during sex and I obliged. Over then 12 months we were dating she just got bigger and bigger. One night she stepped on the scales weighing 260 lbs, she said she had gained 40 lbs since meeting me. This made her very horny and I was like wtf girl? Most women would be traumatised lol. She told me she has a fetish and we had some pretty weird sex. After I asked her all about it. She had been drinking heavy cream and weightgain powder since we got together and she wanted to get even fatter. I was trying to understand and I’ll not lie the fat sex was amazing. I couldn’t get past her damaging her already shit health. After telling me she really started to become focused on fattening up I couldn’t sit by and watch. I spoke to her and broke it off. I saw her a couple years ago and she is HUGE like leaning back as she walks huge.

  11. Flirting with my friends right in front me. All the time. Then she wanted me to have sex with her after.

    Thats was a huge no go for me.

  12. As far as the ones with kinks go… one of them had a rape fantasy kink.. we went out for food and then to a local bar just to hang with mutual friends, fast forward into the night where we started watching a movie, starting kissing/making out, touchy-feely stuff, I grab her butt and then she just outwardly started fighting me and screaming “NO!! PLEASE STOP!!!” and so I stopped with what I imagine was the look of seeing a ghost stuck on my face after I had jumped so far back in fear, and she had said “no keep going, I’ve always wanted to try this out.. no matter what I say just keep going and hurt me..” ..

    2 minutes later I was single and driving home .. I had to call a buddy and talk about it over some beers.

  13. She was REALLY into Jesus.

    Eventually it started affecting our relationship when he stopped cleaning the pool and started fucking her.

  14. Not an ex, but I had some woman in her early 20s tell me that her kink is pedophilia. I’ve never blocked someone so fast in my life.

  15. She liked inducing pain to my balls. Well.. I guess you already know how it went down

  16. The first girl I ever slept with liked to be hit

    But not like a gentle slap. Not even a hard SLAP. This girl liked to be fucking decked. No matter how hard I punched (yes with a fist) she kept saying harder

    I ended up giving her a huge bruise on her eye and after that I had to tell her I wasn’t comfortable with it. We didn’t last much longer anyway after that

  17. Had a gal that wanted me to ignore safewords and outright abuse her. I tried to keep going, but the sobbing broke me. She called me a pussy and I never heard from her again. I still feel sick and guilty.

    Edit: thanks for the kind words, but I want to add to the record. I’ve always had a big focus on my partner’s enjoyment more than my own, because I enjoy that control. I definitely screwed myself by trying too hard to please, even drawing blood in this session and being scared to death! I’ve gotten better at establishing my limits and have long since vowed not to let this happen again, because it still churns my stomach.

  18. She used to like to dress up as her self and act like a fucking bitch all the time

  19. I guess a daddy kink isn’t that weird but it made me feel weird because I was like, 15 at the time and we’re both girls

  20. I met a girl while at work as a telemarketer in college. I got the hint she wanted to get busy when she opened her purse and her diaphram and jelly was there for me to see. We went to my apartment and sat in the hot tub then decided to go upstairs. She asked if i had start me up by the stones so i put it on and she turned into a wild woman. When the song was over she stopped so i put it back on again. As long as the song played she was dynamite in bed.

  21. She always wanted to deep throat me in public settings-movie theatre, nightclubs etc.
    It was super sexy at the start but, when it only happens in public you start to wonder what type of relationship you’re in?…

  22. The kink was having no kink at all…very vanilla with a lot of “hurry up”

  23. She wanted me to bash her, closed fist full strength during sex. Face, body, absolutely everywhere. Couldn’t do it

  24. Haven’t had too many kink stories in my life so my “worst” is more like “ok then, if that’s what you like”

    She was into watching me jerk off. We would lay in bed naked and she wouldn’t le tme start preliminaries, she would just demand I started jerking off to no other stimulus at all other than we boh naked there. No touches, no kissing, no dirty talk, no movies to spice things up, nothing. So I had to use my imagination, get excited and start jerking off. At some point she would start touching herself as well and when her kink was “ready” she would whisper in my ear:

    – Now fuck me!

    not gonna lie, it was weird to get into the mood, but when she was ready the sex was amazingly hot. Fortunately it wasn’t all the time that she would make sex that way, so I could still enjoy preliminaries on regular nights.

  25. I met one girl back in college that was into shock treatment. She had apparently ued electro shock treatments for something when she was younger, and it had turned her on for some reason. In her bedroom she had this car battery with attachments…anted to be tied to the bed and semi tortured, and then used however I wanted, but I had to stop periodically and shock her, otherwise she couldn’t get off. Tried doing it once for her, but it was just way to weird. I was fine with the brushing the body, across the nipples, but she had attached a dildo to one cord and wanted me to shove it up inside her before I fucked her….that was a hard no.

  26. Scat. She wanted to mix our shits and smear them all over herself before the act.

    Another was into sex in public. Not in a sex club or anywhere but like busy parking garages at 5pm and outside a school while kids were on the playground. She wanted to get caught I think. She also had a thing for kids I think, she tried to get me to fuck her next to her sleeping neices and the public place suggestions mostly had something to do with schools or kids somehow.

    I’m a kinky guy but I there are some things that are just off limits

  27. Not the worst kink but it was a bit odd. I was dropping the ex gf off one time after getting dinner. As usual we sat in my car outside of her house talking for a bit waiting for her parents to go to sleep. Well when she leaned in for a goodbye kiss she quickly hit the recline lever on my seat and laid me down flat fast asf. I was totally surprised and instinctively tried to get up but she pushed me back down dropped my pants and started to stoke me off. At that point I wasn’t going to fight her off. But when I tried to make advancement towards her she didn’t let me. At this point in our relationship we’d been sexually active so i thought “hell yeah its game time” but no she just wanted me to lay there, which I did. She rubbed one out for me, caught my load in her hand, lifted her shirt rubbed it on her belly and went inside her house without saying a word. She never brought it up or mentioned it. After that she would do this just randomly, in random places too, just want to stroke me off and rub my gravy on her belly without saying a word. I miss her lol

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