I was following the UK general election last week, and what's surprising is the disproportionality between the number seats Labour won and the vote share they gained. They won almost 200 seats more than the last election but the vote share increased by only 1.5%. Also, the Reform Party won 14% of the vote share, but only 4 seats. In contrast to that, the Liberal Democrats had 12% vote share and yet SEVENTY ONE (!!) seats.

In my opinion, this is a very skewed election result, made possible by the "First Past the Post" system for winning a seat. It is making the Labour victory seem much more headline-worthy that it actually is.

Has your country ever had such a disproportionately skewed election result? Where the popular vote was not reflected in the representation in government? What happened next? Did the government pass a lot of laws that were unpopular with the electorate? (Think, Trump managing to put conservative judges in the US Supreme Court, despite losing the popular vote).

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