Why has this become so common for people to randomly record other people with their phones?

In certain situations I can understand if it's for security reasons such as catching a theif and making sure nobody is stealing.

But some people seem to record others for the wrong reasons.
Some people do it for pranks so that they post it later to get views on social media.

They don't seem to see the issue with harassing innocent people with their cameras for a dumb prank and then posting it publicly behind their back just for petty fame. That is really immature and it's a sad way to humiliate innocent people.

Sometimes people who are customers will also do it to the workers of a store or restaurant that they are purchasing from. Sometimes they do it for a prank and sometimes they do it to intimidate them or to make them feel pressured.

For example: If the customer thinks that an employee was rude or thought that they didn't do their job right they would record that employee the second they try to get their order remade and then they say that they are recording it so that they can send it to corporate for when they complain about it to corporate later.

And some people do it to try to intimidate innocent people. Especially when they try to twist the narratative of what's going on if they are only recording part of a situation and not the whole thing.

Some people would purposely bully others and then the second the other person reacts to the bullies behavior the bully would start recording the victims reaction and try to make victim seem like a crazy person when they're actually reacting to being bullied.

The person who is holding the camera would also pretend to be calm the second they turn the camera on while they are secretly recording the other person's reaction to being bullied.

I really hate when bullies try to manipulate the narrative and try to publicly humiliate INNOCENT PEOPLE!

A lot of them just post it online for everyone to see after they got the reaction that they wanted. All they care about is fame, views and social status.

If they really felt threatened by someone then why didn't they send their video to a lawyer instead of sending it to random strangers online?

Why has public humiliation become so common? Especially if the person who is trying to humiliate them isn't telling the whole story and is trying to twist the narrative?

Do the people who watch those videos even notice if some parts of the story are missing? Can they even tell when it's one sided and if some parts of it are either cohereced or misinterpreted by the person who is holding the camera?

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