Since we've been married for 6 years my wife has been a stay at home mom and I really did not expect for her to do much. At the age of 24 I asked her to do very simple things. For example she had no drivers license when I met her at 24 now she's 30 with none. She also had not finished H.S, I told her to get her G.E.D at her own pace. Six years later…nothing.

Since then I have gotten multiple certifications at home that allowed me to get an network engineer job and went from making 40k to 120k and I'm currently in college for my B.A in cyber security.

I know she's a stay at home. So I am not expecting much. But she makes time to go coach a youth football team for multiple seasons but not sit at the dmv for two hours. She can sit down and draw plays and make rosters at home but won't sit down and study for a G.E.D.

I've been trying for six years to get her to get the basics down with no avail. So patience is not there anymore. I love her and want to grow WITH her, but after years of waiting, I feel like I'm wasting time. I never expected her to be a doctor or a lawyer, but just someone who has her life together. I can't even put her on my car insurance and she has like 11k of debt from an eviction before we met.

I'm not trying to force someone to be someone they are not but I also don't want to drag the burdens of another person for the rest of my life

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