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  1. I wonder what it would be like to graduate at a time of high unemployment. It seems like retiring baby boomers are starting to have an effect on long-term average unemployment rates in the West.

  2. Today is Georgetown heritage day here in Penang, Malaysia.

    Lots of interesting events, mostly song and dance based, but also things like Malay and Chinese puppet shows, Chinese paper cutting , calligraphy, Indian sweets making etc.

  3. Acronyms, acronyms, acronyms, so tired of them. Scrolling reddit’s front page, even with many threads about hobbies I know something about, I simply miss the point of the title because a crucial term has been compressed to the form of an acronym.

    I guess being frustrated about such a thing is a good sign I need to spend more time outside. I’ll take my binoculars, a notebook and have my phone with the Merlin app ready, in case I see and hear some birds I can’t recognize.

  4. There’s a little owl on the roof next door. Every time I pass by, we have a chat. It’s so cute and chatty. 

    My mom has a friend. She was here, too, left a couple of days ago. Apparently she invited herself to our vacation house and stayed for twenty days or so until she finally decided to leave. She’s been my mom’s friend for over twenty years. Also divorced. If you look up kindness and generosity in the dictionary, you would find her picture, probably. It’s hard to imagine a nicer person, and I know she loves us like her own. Of course, we love her too. 

    Unfortunately, she’s also hard to stand 😂 she has no sense of respect for other people’s space or personal boundaries. She rearranges the kitchen, furniture, garden, whatever however she likes. Even if you say you don’t want it that way, she’ll just say “but it’s so much nicer this way!” and do it (she also has difficulties hearing and understanding, so she doesn’t get what you’re saying most of the time anyway). She’s also very clingy and doesn’t want to do anything on her own. Apparently my mom told her way in advance when we were coming, but she wouldn’t leave (in Turkey, telling your guests to leave is simply not done.) She drove my mom absolutely mad and I was expecting a fight to break out any time. Since she left, mom wouldn’t stop complaining 😂

    But I know they love each other. Most of this comes from not wanting to break her heart, but it’s probably worse for the long term friendship.

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