So its the day after Fourth of July and I have to work. But after work, I hoped me (30F) and my bf of 6 years (30m) could watch the fireworks together this weekend. It was pouring rain and thunderstorms yesterday so all events were cancelled.

Every holiday we spend with his family, and that includes 4th of July where he spends the weekend with his mom at her beachside condo. His parents are married but they do their own thing I guess. Every other week, he and his mom go on a dinner date. I don’t remember the last time I went on a date but that’s beside the point. When I try to bring it up, he says I’m always welcome, but why would I want to be the third wheel on a dinner date? Last time I went, he sat next to his mom and I was opposite them. She held his hand, looked me in the eyes and said “he’s my guy, I’m sharing him with you” I was so uncomfortable and never tagged along since then. Besides that, the mom always kind of makes passive aggressive comments to me when he’s not around.

What hurts me is that we were invited to stay the weekend at his moms place with 3 of her family members, but to be honest, that’s not my idea of a fun weekend. I said I’d rather spend the weekend with him and he said “alright cool, than don’t go, I’m going though” – and this is usually as far as our conversations go. I don’t how to put into words how I feel but I don’t even feel like he cares about this relationship anymore . I’m confused on how I should express/word how I’m feeling.. or if i even should. He’ll likely say I’m being dramatic or weird and I want to know if that is really the case and I need to stop

TL;DR: boyfriend doesn’t care if I spend the weekend with him and his mom and her friends – he will go without me even after asking if we could celebrate the weekend as a couple by ourselves.

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