Original post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/tzbjkl/my_20f_boyfriend_21m_confessed_to_killing_his/) (it’s been deleted by mods but hopefully you can still read it. If not, I’ll copy and paste it below).

So a lot of people were asking for an update and I’m a little scared posting it, because I know people will be mad at me. We’re not dating (I’ve moved) but it’s more to sort everything out.

I told my therapist (who I’ve been seeing for years) and his therapist about the whole situation. They told me to go with my gut and that I should start writing in a diary about his behaviour. I quickly realised that he had missed nearly a 2 weeks of his meds as well as his mood stabilisers (he hasn’t been formally diagnosed with bipolar, but is being treated for symptoms of it). I reminded him gently and he got super upset at himself and is back on track. He doesn’t even remember what he said or did. I didn’t tell him, but asked if he remembered being in the hot-tub and he said no. He has dealt with memory issues in the past, but it was never anything to be worried about.

He’s spent the month in hospital (he wasn’t eating whilst off his meds and was very sick + psychosis) and I’ve been using this time to sort everything out. I told his parents what happened (with help from my therapist) and they got super confused. Turns out, there was security footage that pointed directly at the lake where 6 drowned. It was a total accident (I won’t go into detail, but Michael was nowhere near the scene). According to Michael’s mother, that footage is the only thing that helped them find 6, as he had begun to drift away by the time they got back. I had no idea of this detail, no one ever told me and it would have been really inappropriate to ask.

I mentioned what Michael said about his father and he broke down. He said that he was particularly hard on Michael after the death of 6, but eased up as he got older. He’s increased his therapy sessions to 3 times a week and is planning to move in with his parents when he gets discharged from the hospital.

I also want to clarify that the incident in the last post is the first time he’s ever put his hands on me in a violent/ threatening manner. That’s what made me so shocked. I know people will be mad at me, but we (his parents and I) think this is the best thing for everyone right now.

I got so many messages asking for an update and I thank you all who sent me kind messages and advice. I know some people will be mad, but all I can ask is that you be respectful.

  1. Strange that he told you he killed his brother but the security footage proves otherwise, I wonder if maybe he feels guilt about the situation and mix that w/ psychosis and he convinced himself that he intentionally drowned him. Although it’s also quite strange he made the comments about his brother being autistic and that’s why he did it.

    Either way, it seems like a danger to remain in the relationship, I hope everything works out!

  2. Why do you think people will be mad at you? I think you’ve done really well in the situation

  3. Man That’s so heartbreaking. Being so psychologically damaged your brain tricked you into thinking you killed your brother simply for the guilt of not being able to save him/not being able to come to terms with losing him.

    Jesus fucking Christ

  4. Bipolar-esque delusions can be completely untrue and illogical. Glad you’re both getting the help you need. Stay safe!

  5. yea it sounds like he needs support. i dont see people being mad. he is obviously suffering.

    can i offer one more thing: if this starts to be too much or overwhelming do not feel bad if you decide you cannot handle this. okay? you are allowed to say you cannot handle if you have that feeling. do not ignore that IF it comes up (not saying it will)

  6. Scary how he put your head under the water, even if only for 10 seconds. Gave me chills. I would get my stuff and run away fast. What if next time he felt like giving a longer demonstration. Not much scares me on this Sub Reddit but gosh.

  7. Got to love that this guy has a girlfriend and I couldn’t BUY one in my late 20s. You just have to laugh. (Things are worse now, I’m married)

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