At first, it was cute and initially I also have my share of faults. I disappeared when he needed emotional support cause someone died in his family and I did not say the pet name that he wants me to say for us both. I also told him I'm commitmentless and he said he's not like that. He is taking me seriously. So, he got so upset and told me he'll give up and move on because he feels like he's the only one who likes me.

I felt invested and guilty because I started liking him on that day so after a few days, I sent him a message that I'll make it up to him and we did. We sent messages back and forth and were very sweet to each other saying we miss each other and I accused that he must have purposedly done it and thought to be cold so that I'll approach him more.

Towards the very end of our sweet messages, he suddenly said he feels cold and naturally I joked around that should I go there to hug him? Because he seem to be insinuating And he was like sure and for me to drop by. It was 1am by the way so I was shock he even considered it seriously. It was also our first time meeting because he initially saw me but we haven't even seen each other and spent time together. Now he wants me to go to his house at 1am.

Now, we did not talk to each other for a day and I sent him a message today and asked how he was. It felt like he was sad so I asked what's wrong. He said he still feels upset that I did not go. I said seriously? Then he said he was really serious.

I feel that he keeps doing this because he likes the feeling of me running after him and making it upto him. I think he craves it and is doing it purposedly. So I got upset and told him I'm now upset too and he just laughed.

I seriously cannot take that he keeps sulking or keeps getting upset at small things. It feels like he's also insecure and thinks that I don't really like him although I already did send messages saying I miss him and was really sweet.

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