Hi, not sure who to ask as don't have good role models for marriage in my life. I'm engaged, and gave spoken in depth about most big things e.g children, future plans, goals and values. I was wondering when we should be talking about finances? I dont want it to turn it into a big deal and don't want to nag him about it to respect his boundaries

I've been very open about mine down to figures depending on if the conversation goes that way. Never thought not to be open as I trust him and plan to build a life together. He knows all my accounts and investments as a result. Im a student, he works. We live apart. Over years noticed he avoids talking about money. Financial security is huge for me, and thought he might be in debt. Took a few months for him to talk about spending habits and philosophies etc. And that settled me – reassured me hes not in debt and seems sensible at least. But he still doesn't like talking figures at all. When I asked why he just says he was raised that way. Is this common? I grew up with my parents being very open about finances and investments and how to build wealth etc. So it's very foreign to me and makes me concerned there's a trust issue. Am I overthinking?

Thank you!

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