In my opinion I would love to see a full feature movie of Simo Häyhä, a.k.a. The White Death.

  1. Chiune Sugihara. I hear they did make a movie about him in Japan but it doesn’t seem to have been released widely.

  2. Rod Blagojevich, corrupt former governor of Illinois. He’s charismatic, has a streak of actual kindness, and is utterly full of shit. He needs the Scorsese treatment (as does IL politics).

  3. Lonnie Johnson. He’s a science man, and he invented he Super Soaker and Nerf blasters. Could be a really fun movie, appropriate for all ages, and might get some kids interested in careers in a scientific field.

  4. There could be a trilogy about Theodore Roosevelt’s life, with plenty of good stuff left out. I don’t agree with everything the man did or thought, but he was an inspiring man of action. Can’t say I would trust Hollywood to do his life justice though.

  5. Damn, so many. Mad Jack Churchill, Adrian Carton de Wiart, Teddy Roosevelt, Samuel Colt, Mariya Oktyabrskaya and loads more I can’t remember right now.

  6. [The Raid on Combahee Ferry](

    Harriett Tubman and Col. James Montgomery led a group of former slaves to raid Confederate plantations, freeing 750 men, women, and children.

    My favorite part – after ‘capturing’ the plantation, officers in Montgomery’s command wanted to seize it as a forward base and capture its resources.

    Montgomery was a hard core abolitionist, and burned the fucking place to the ground.

  7. Anne Sexton.

    Poet. Alcoholic. legal issues. Full on dated her therapist and fucked him.

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