The girl sitting next to me is the one i like but we never talked before. I am in a library and want to have a conversation with her but she is studying so i don’t want to disturb her either.
Please help.
If i don’t talk to her i don’t think i am gonna get this chance again.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions

👉This is what happened 🔴

Edit:– We didn’t talk much but it was really good.

I had nothing to start a conversation so i just asked if she meditates alot because she was studying for straight 6 hrs . She said no i don’t meditate and started laughing. From there it became pretty easy to talk. I gave her a feastbump told her my name then we talked about her.

  1. Talk to her, you’ll regret not doing it. If she gets mad about you disturbing her then it wasn’t meant to happen

  2. Just say hi and smile, if the opportunity opens up. If not, leave her alone. She’s there to study, not be hit on.

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