Recently I started working with this family that owns a few hundred homes and a half dozen dealerships. They pay me really good for the work I do.

To make a long story short. The owners daughter (27) I am pretty sure likes me (36). Anytime I am around her she stutters, fumbles words, and the way I caught her staring at me a few times makes it obvious, and she has to touch my me or my arm anytime she walks near me.

So my Facebook isn't really searchable cause of how my name and profile are setup, so even if she searched my name she wouldn't find me, and we don't have any mutual friends . Should I risk adding her on Facebook?

I thought about adding a few male coworkers and the owner which is her dad just to see if she would recognize and add me first? Any thoughts on this?

And btw I am NOT trying to hookup with her cause they are rich. I've dated girls with rich dad's in the past. She seems like a really awesome and down to earth person. I can have a normal conversation with her and we always seem to make each other laugh when we have the chance to talk which was a few times.

But as of recently the past 3 weeks or so when I would go to grab my paycheck they send me to the other dealer. I thought maybe I was creeping her out coming in to say hi or w.e… but then I seen her out in public an she goes I didn't see you the past few weeks at the dealer where you been?

So I'm guessing she either A. She told someone she likes me. Or B. Maybe her parents suspect she likes me and is intentionally keeping me away which I can understand who wants there daughter dating the hired help right?… I'll shoot my shot in a SECOND if it wasn't for the job

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