Might seem like a silly question, but it’s been on my mind as of late.

But, I’ve been brought up with the mentality that it’s common courtesy to hold the door open for people if they trail behind you, and lately it seems like there’s maybe a 50/50 chance if the person bothers to acknowledge you or even say thanks. Now I know no one is obligated to respond and holding the door should he done out of general kindness, but there’s always a tiny piece of me that gets unreasonably annoyed when the person doesnt even bother to make the tiny effort to show appreciation, and worse, as a socially anxious person it gets to the point where I speed up or slow down depending on whether someone is in front or behind me just to avoid the awkwardness. Bonus points if it seems like the trailing person goes out of the way to keep up with me expecting me to do it just to get no response.

I’ve even gotten a little petty and consciously whipped the door open and let the door slam shut on people at work who show these lack of manners. But it just makes me sometimes look like an a-hole 😆 (at least thats what I convince myself).

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