Me and my partner have been fighting lately because he keeps thinking that he is no good for me and cannot be the boyfriend he was a year ago due to his mental health. I have been supportive by giving options, space, helping him by cleaning his house, making dinners and buying gifts for him however he is still never satisfied. He now does not text me in the morning like he use to and only does in the late afternoon once he finishes work and I feel like I am walking on eggshells to ask if he is okay.

He says I haven’t done anything wrong and when he needs to take action regarding us his mind goes blank and he panics. I have tried everything and I feel so depressed because I love this man and I wish he could see how amazing he truely is but he is making me feel so useless. He says often that sometimes he has nothing to say and is off and I should know this. But I just want to make him happy and do my best to make him happy. I feel so awful because I feel like I can never do anything right, I just want him to be his cheerful self again 🙁

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