I need some advice, I’ve been with my partner for around a year now, he’s truly amazing and so kind – everything is perfect and we’re super happy. I have my own place purchased back in 2023 and he still lives at home with his parents.

We’ve been on holidays together and he often stays around my place but he’s still yet to introduce me to his family, well his dad! I’ve met his mum outside the house as she came outside to greet me and give me a hug but they’ve never asked me back into the house and anytime I’ve kept pushing to meet them properly his mum keeps suggesting us all going out for dinner except never organising it.

It’s come to light his dad is an alcoholic often quite angry and abusive and often doesn’t have a filter when he drinks too much, and my partner seems to be afraid of subjecting me to that. I don’t have any issues with it and want to be there to support my partner but also looking to get to know his family for who they are.

I keep bringing this up that the next step is meeting them but he never really gives me an answer as to when and says that right now isn’t the best time. It’s a difficult one because it’s as though he’s protecting me but also protecting himself through fear of embarrassment maybe?

I have told him he can’t hide behind it forever and regardless of if he introduces me now or at a later date it’s not as if the problem will go away and he needs to just jump into the deep end, I will always love and support him but I don’t know why he’s so hesitant?

Can someone please offer some insight, am I being too pushy but equally I have a standard and want to progress the relationship but I’m sick of not being able to integrate into his family?

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