So I’ve been talking to a girl that I hooked up with in January and although she was only in town visiting a friend, we have stayed in touch and text frequently. I felt quite strongly for her after just one night and I ended up telling her that. She took it really well and said the feeling was mutual but we are so far away from each other that the distance could be an issue.

The last couple weeks we’ve been talking much more and yesterday she called me and we talked for about 45 minutes. I love hearing her talk. I could listen to her all night no matter the topic. She has one of the voices where she could read any book to you and an instant calm comes over you.

Would it seem strange to tell her that or do you think it’s something she’d like to hear? I don’t want her thinking I’m saying her voice is boring but it could put me to sleep and I mean that in the best possible way.

  1. You could try describing it, saying like “your voice is so soft” or “your voice sounds so lovely ”or something.

  2. That is super adorable cute! I told my boyfriend early on that I loved his voice and listening to him. (He later told me he loved the sound of my voice too)

    Just say it! If she takes it as a compliment then great!

    “I love your voice and I love listening to you!”


  3. Just tell her? I mean you don’t seem to mean it in a creepy way so I think she’ll get the context and the feeling. “I love listening to your talk, your voice is so calming” would work well I think

  4. that’s one of the first things i remember my boyfriend saying he liked about me, and i thought it was such a sweet and kind of rare compliment. he said it calmed him. trust me, it’ll make her want to talk to you more!

  5. >She has one of the voices where she could read any book to you and an instant calm comes over you.

    Like Samuel L reading “Go the fuck to sleep”

    Nah, it’s not strange. I bet she’d love to hear how she makes you feel hearing her. Like other commenter said, just describe her voice to her: “A melodic symposium that pulls on your heart strings as a muse on the webs of fate”. Somethin like that

  6. “your voice is cute, you should send me some ASMR”

    The number of times this line worked out for me is honestly too high

    If you’re in the flirting phase it will work like a charm

  7. Just tell her she will take it as a compliment. I have been told “I have a sexy voice”. I try not to speak sometimes because people that I dont know go a little too far. It is funny because my fiance and I love each others voice. He sounds like Barry White and we both busted out laughing the first time we met in person. We met online and spoke on the phone, but a phone voice sounds different sometimes. If I had a soothing voice I would take it as a compliment.

  8. Told a girl I’ve been talking to this just honestly that her voice is both sexy and calming and she was happy to hear it!

  9. I think you should just say it the way you said it on here. Or you could just say, “I really like your voice, it is so soothing.” It sounds like that is what you mean, at any rate. If someone said this to me I would consider it a compliment though I wouldn’t say “it could me to sleep.” Maybe leave that part out.

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