My boyfriend’s family invited me to their annual Fourth of July party. I knew it was going to be a large gathering and I was very nervous about what to being as I am not a good cook. I asked my boyfriend to ask his mom what I should bring. She said a dessert. Knowing that key lime pie is one of my boyfriend’s favorite desserts I figured I’d pick one up to bring. When I arrived, I proudly presented my pie (which was store bought). His mother responded my putting the pie in the freezer and making a comment about how we could have it some other time. That confused me because I assumed my dessert would be placed on the dessert table. When dessert time came, she did not get out my pie. Rather, she said “we should just save it for later” and instead helped present everyone else’s desserts.

I know this shouldn’t upset me but it really hurt my feelings. I always overthink these types of things, and I was proud of myself for just choosing something to bring and not stressing out over it. Instead, I now feel mortified.

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