So my friends and I were playing poker tonight. There about 10 of us playing and I sat next to an old friend that I haven’t seen in a while. He compliments me when he first sits next to me and how I have gotten bigger(muscle wise). I thank him for the compliment and we move on to another topic. He usually does this when he sees me, but we always end in some sort of conflict by the end of our interactions when we see each other. He jokes about he isn’t going to fold the whole game(when you “fold” you are basically saying that you are sitting out of the round because you think the hand of cards you have been dealt isn’t good enough to win the round). A couple rounds later into the game, he folds his cards. I joke with him saying “I thought you weren’t going to fold” and he immediately goes into attack mode for some reason. He calls me out me for being the guy who is going to sell a pyramid scheme to him, and also he jokes by saying how I’m the guy who will say how my come up in life was so difficult even though I live a privileged life. I basically just take the punch as I couldn’t really think of anything to say back as I was surprised of how it just came out of nowhere. Later on, I can’t remember how it got to this moment, but I joke with him about how he has skinny legs lol, and he just bursts out to everyone about how he got under my skin, and said I was soft. Am I the sensitive one here?

  1. Nah clown him. He’s a pussy and is acting like a bitch. If he can’t take a joke as meaningless as a poker fold then he needs to be made fun of over it. From your accounts this is not the first time he’s done this. Call him out on it and keep him at an arm’s distance socially if you can not 100% get away from him.

  2. Disconnect from the guy, hes insecure and disrespectful.

    Many are overt, few are covert

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