My boyfriend and I have been dating for about a month now, and I have already met his immediate family since he lives at home. They seem like great people, so when he invited me along to his family's trip for 4th of July, I agreed.

He told me that his family plays an active role in the church, and even though that made me a little hesitant, I figured I would remain optimistic.

I don't think I was prepared for how in the church his family is, and I felt honestly lucky to have avoided being asked any questions about my faith. We haven't talked about my faith directly (it really never came up because he never asked), and I was hoping I wouldn't have to put him in the position of bringing home an atheist without preparing him first.

I didn't want to spring this on him during the trip, but now I really don't think it's fair to keep him in the dark, especially because I don't know how religious he is personally. I planned to tell him towards the end of a date, and give him some space for a day to think it over. Obviously if he has questions I will answer them, but I don't want to pressure him into a decision he isn't sure about.

I'm wondering if this is the best way to go about telling him? And if you are religious, would you have been upset with your partner telling you they are atheist AFTER meeting your family as an official couple?

Just need some reassurance and hard truths I think so that I am prepared, and don't put off telling him.

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