For context, I am male, 28. I am likely on the ASD spectrum, As I often struggle with social cues.
And interactions. Ihave a fairly mild difficulty with people touching me when I can't see them…

I've been having back/shoulder and foot pain and I am seeking a rhereputic massage as a form of treatment. This is the first time I have scan something like this. And I expect it to proceed something similar to a dental appointment… Only instead of brushing and flossing, I would take an extra shower immediately before departing to ensure I am at my maximum hygiene levles. If someone is going to be paid to place their hands on my skin I want to make it as mutually comfortable as possible.

My primary concern is that social cues do not come naturally to me, And I often have to approach situations from an acaanemic perspective.

Could anyone offer suggestions/warnings on how to not make things weird or make my assuse, (who I suspect from her name is likely a woman) uncomfortable.

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