Me (m28) feel so judged constantly by my fiancé (F27) and now I don't know if I should move out We have been together 4 years

We live in a tiny one bedroom house (I know) and I feel like I have no space from her.
Her love languages are touch and affection and mine are acts of service and I don't feel right now I can provide what she needs in those regards and she's questioning our relationship because of it.

I'm in a major depression spiral right now and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, I'm seeking professional help to help with this but I'm worried that I can't give her the love that she needs it will be too late but I need space from it all to learn who I am as a person and find what I really want in life. I emotionally cheated on her a few months ago it was a stupid thing but 1 was feeling so self conscious about myself and I didnt feel the love from her and her constant judgement which led me to my actions I deeply regret, since then i have really tried to make amends and after all the judgements she makes big and small I now don't know what else I can do because I don't feel like I can give her the love she needs while i feel so depressed the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is having to walk her dog and go to work Plz help I'm so sad and don't know what to do, do I take space for myself and try and work on the relationship or do we just end it heal ourselves. I know she'll be fine without me in her life it's her nature.,

I'm so depressed I can't love my partner like she wants me too
And I feel so judged by her for anything I do
Should I move out or should we break it off

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