ive been friends with this girl for about 6 years and we ve always been pretty close, always made time to see each other at least every 2 weeks and texting pretty often. for about 7 months now she stopped texting first (she did text me first before, as did i)
and whenever i try to invite her to hang out she says she cant / shes busy, even though i see her hanging out with other friends. i also try texting her, asking how shes doing but she replies in a sentence and thats it. ive tried initiating conversations but she doesnt really reply. i tried looking through our conversations to see if i mightve said something bad but i couldnt find anything. we had a situation a few years ago in which a mutual, very close friend of ours ghosted us and ik it affected her a lot, so idk how or why she is doing the same thing. what else do i do besides asking her whats wrong? it was so sudden and we didnt see eachother in the meantime so idk what i couldve done to her

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