So I'm 20m and Disclaimer, this isn't a crazy post like a lot on here. So I grew up very socially awkward and only really held 1 friend at a time. I was that kid that people would solely describe as "nice".

When I got out of hs I still just had like 1 friend but only like senior year I started to be more social and start conversations with others first. But even now at present day, I still don't have a job due to college (getting one soon during summer)

I always heard that you shouldn't even try to be in a relationship until you have yourself figured out and fully loved and understood yourself so I never really went for anybody and i remained passive in that regard. Also id heard that you shouldn't date when your lonely

So what now? Should I be trying to find someone? I don't fully get myself but especially recently I've been staring at couples and wanting that sort of relationship as well. I'm a little lonely so I dont want that to come back and bite me. Any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated

TL;DR m20 never been in a relationship, not sure if I should or how to start dating.

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