Do I have vaginismus or is it just my hymen?

Okay so I'm a teenager and I'm not looking to be sexual anytime soon- probably college or after.

I masturbate sometimes but not a lot of penetration stuff as that scares me, because of pain 😭.

I was able to get a finger in maybe a month ago and now there's like an invisible wall right at the opening- I can't even get a fingertip in, I was suspecting vaginismus as I am a very anxious person.

I’m very scared and I don’t want to have vaginismus if it is it- I have a hymen but I don’t think it’s right at the entrance I tried to stop tensing up and try but the wall is still there and I don’t want to force or push it.

I can’t go to a doctor or gyno as I have religious parents, I’ve asked and they’ve said no, what do I do I’m scared 😐 not for now but when I’m older will sex be excruciating pain? 😐

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